Misplaced Modifiers Review

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As a general rule, a modifier should be placed as close as possible to what it modifies.

Following are some useful tips for protecting your person and property from the FBI.

As written, the sentence implies that the FBI is a threat to your person and property. To correct the sentence put the modifier "from the FBI" next to the word it modifies, "tips:"

Following are some useful tips from the FBI for protecting your person and property.

* When a phrase begins a sentence, make sure that it modifies the subject of the sentence.

Coming around the corner, a few moments passed before I could recognize my old home.

As worded, the sentence implies that the moments were coming around the corner. The sentence can be corrected as follows:

As I came around the corner, a few moments passed before I could recognize my old home.


Coming around the corner, I paused a few moments before I could recognize my old home.

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