When is the GRE test given?
The Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) is given nearly year-round during the first three weeks of each month.
How important is the GRE and how is it used?
It is crucial! Although graduate schools may consider other factors,
the vast majority of admission decisions are based on only two criteria:
your GRE score and your GPA.
How many times should I take the GRE?
Most people are better off preparing thoroughly for the GRE, taking
it one time and getting their top score. You can take the test as many times
as you like, but many graduate schools will average your scores. You should
call the schools to which you are applying to find out their policy. Then
plan your strategy accordingly.
Can I cancel my score?
Yes. You can cancel your score immediately after the test but before you see
your score. You can take the GRE only once a month.
Where can I get the registration forms?
Most colleges and universities have the forms. You can also get them
directly from ETS by writing to:
Computer Adaptive Test: |
Computer-Based Testing Program
Educational Testing Service
P.O. Box 6020
Princeton, NJ 08541-6020
Or calling: 1-800-GRE-CALL |
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GRE Course Online
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Course Features:
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