Diagnostic Test - Verbal - Main Idea Questions Review
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The main idea is usually stated in the last--occasionally the first--sentence of the first paragraph. If it's not there, it will probably be the last sentence of the entire passage.
Because main idea questions are relatively easy, the LSAT writers try to obscure the correct answer by surrounding it with close answer-choices ("detractors") that either overstate or understate the author's main point. Answer-choices that stress specifics tend to understate the main idea; choices that go beyond the scope of the passage tend to overstate the main idea.
The answer to a main idea question will summarize the author's argument, yet be neither too specific nor too broad.
Some common main idea questions are
Which one of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?
The primary purpose of the passage is to . . .
In the passage, the author's primary concern is to discuss . . .